From Horses to Humans

My life drawing career really began with my love of horses. When I was young, living in Ontario, Canada, I crawled under a fence at the local horse show with a sketchpad in my knapsack.


If there was a horse or pony in the vicinity, I was there beside it or on it.

Soon, I could draw horses in my sleep.

Grey Arab - Commission
30 x 30cm Oil on Canvas

Velvet - Commission
30 x 30cm Oil on Canvas

Young Cob - Commission
30 x 30cm Oil on Canvas

Oberon as a Three Year Old in Oil with Bronze.

Equestrian Quick Sketch. Oops there he goes!

Winston ridden by Alice

Oil paint with metallics on canvas, Framed and available.

58 x 70 cm

30 x 28 cm Charcoal on card

Acrylic on canvas

64 x58cm


…a word on painting people

It helps to work quickly, catching the sitter’s expression. With water colour this is doubly important. You just jump in and trust your instincts. Not much chance of correction, though the better I got to know the medium, the easier I found adjustments.

Linda Powell

Linda Powell

“ Drawing portraits is like walking on ice.. slippery, possibly dangerous and exciting. And it’s personal. Catching a likeness in a few scribbles and smudges seems like a miracle, (even though it is me, doing it). Carrying that further, is challenging but also mesmerizing and so rewarding when it works. Every brushstroke or swipe of the pastel has the power to define or destroy the likeness.”

Barnaby Thinking

Miriam Suspicious

80 x 80 Oil on Canvas

Henry Dreaming

80 x 80 Oil on Canvas

80 x 80 Oil on Canvas


This figure painting was a very special wedding anniversary gift.

Here are some of my life and figure drawings and paintings. Click on the little arrow to see more. You will notice a piece of my ceramic sculpture there too.

Nude on Blue

Nude on Orange


